Diet Update: Diet Right for your Personality

I have been gone a bit but I have not fallen off the wagon.  Just the opposite!  I am doing really well on this diet.  Some recipes are meh but for the most part this has been enjoyable trying new foods.  I have lost a total of 40 pounds since being 160!  I have lost 20 pounds since January 1st!  I am so ecstatic! *does a little dance*   I loved seeing this badge show up in my email.


So far Jen Widerstrom has taken me through a kick starter beginning, carb cycling, and now I am in the lean down phase.  I saw that Jen was coming to Dallas and I was so excited and going to get my book signed but turns out it wasn’t a public even.  Boo!  Anyhow this book is totally changing my life and it is totally worth the price on for the recipes.  I went in to Barns & Noble to get my sister a copy and it was $26.00!  15.85 on Amazon, now I see why B&N are going out of business.  Oh and B&N has it for 16 on their website but they won’t match that in the store. *rolls eyes*  Anyway if anyone else is following this diet I would love to follow your journey if you have a blog!



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